Errecom TR1133 Trace Brilliant
TRACE BRILLIANT is a highly concentrated red dye for safe, fast, and precise detection of refrigerant gas leaks from A/C and refrigeration systems.
Errecom TR1133 Trace Brilliant is a high-quality, professional-grade fluorescent dye used to detect leaks in air conditioning, refrigeration, and cooling systems. It is compatible with all types of refrigerants and oils, and it fluoresces brightly under UV light, making it easy to detect even the smallest leaks in the system. TR1133 is an essential tool for any mechanic or technician who needs to quickly and accurately diagnose issues in these types of systems.
TRACE BRILLIANT will locate the leaks even through ice and frost. Formulated with POE lubricant, it is compatible with all refrigerant lubricants and gases, including all CFCs, HFC and HCFC’s.
- Leaks show as bright red stains
- Visible even through ice and frost
- Non-volatile and will not sludge or deposit gum
- Precisely locate refrigerant gas leaks, no false positives.
Trace Brilliant 7.5ml 12pk
Errecom Part Number: ER-TR1133.A12.J5
Includes:12 x Cartridges 7.5ml (1/4 FL.OZ.) with 1/4 & 5/16 SAE FLEX Adapters
Trace Brilliant Flex 60ml
Errecom Part Number: ER-TR1133.E.J5
Includes: 1 x Cartridge 60 ml (2.0 FL.OZ.) with 1/4 & 5/16 SAE FLEX Adapters

Errecom TR1133 Trace Brilliant