Auto AC Tools: Auto AC Filter Driers
Air conditioners chill your home using a refrigeration technique similar to that of your home fridge, but much more powerful. Although these sealed systems are more reliable than ever before, contamination still occurs, so auto AC tools like the AC filter drier is vital.
Filter driers serve two purposes in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. An air conditioning system's filter dryer is a crucial component. A filter drier is critical that most manufacturers include every future home comfort system they sell.
- Absorb impurities in the system, such as water that might cause acids to form.
- Filter the water physically.
What Are AC Filter Driers?
Filter driers are HVAC system equipment that combines the functions of a filter and a dryer (or drier). A filter keeps particles like dirt, metal, and chips from the refrigerant flow control system. You can use a thermostatic expansion valve or a capillary tube to control refrigerant flow.
The filter is also known as a strainer in some cases. These particles must be filtered away and don't end up in the metering device. It can cause a clog in the refrigerant passage flow in the expansion valve, resulting in faulty system operation.
The name implies that a dryer removes moisture from the refrigerant. You can also refer to it as a dehydrator or a drier. When moisture comes into contact with the oil in the system, it creates acids and sludge. You must draw any mist from the system. Otherwise, it would freeze inside the tube, restricting refrigerant flow.
You can typically find these devices in larger systems with refrigerant circuits intended for field servicing. It's not advisable to use in residential units charged with refrigerant at the manufacturer and are completely sealed. It's because the risk of moisture and particles entering the system is negligible.
Replacing Auto AC Tools: Auto AC Filter Driers
Because even a small bit of dirt, water, or debris can cause havoc with your aircon's sealed system, you'll need to change the filter drier every time you open the system.
That means that whenever you change a compressor, TVX, or any other refrigerant system component, you should also replace the drier. On the other hand, filter driers are very inexpensive compared to other sealed system components.
When purchasing, ensure to match the requirements from your air conditioner to the part to ensure compatibility. Keep an eye on the drier's size and the rate of the type of refrigerant. Also, make sure that the installation is in the proper direction.
When and how often do you replace it?
According to the Australian Code of Practice, when you expose a unit to the atmosphere, it's fundamental to change the receiver's drier.
It's best to replace filter driers every two years or as the manufacturer recommends.
In a vehicle air conditioning system, the drier filters foreign debris removes moisture from the refrigerant. It serves as storage for liquid refrigerant that supplies to the TX valve.
It's vital to keep the system dry. It's because the mix of refrigerant, oil, and moisture creates an acid that can cause the system to corrode from the inside out! Water can also freeze at the TXV orifice, causing performance to suffer.
A receiver drier usually causes little or no difficulties, but if it corrodes and rusts over time, it can pollute the a/c system. A common leaking point is around the sight glass or through a fractured sight glass.
Another issue to be aware of is when the desiccant material degrades over time, causing serious problems such as blocked TX valves, which can cause a compressor to seize.
What do I do if I notice rusting?
If you discover it's rusting, you should have a system check-up planned with your service or repair technician. They'll be able to suggest methods for extending the life of your system.
A filter drier will rust through and spill refrigerant from your air conditioner, perhaps causing irreversible damage to other components such as the compressor. Depending on the type of refrigerant used in your system, refrigerant might cost anything between $39 to over $110 per pound. The average domestic air conditioner system has 7 to 10 pounds refrigerant capacity. On top of the repair costs, the refrigerant alone might cost you over $1,000!
Your expert will most likely propose changing your Filter Drier as a preventative precaution if it is highly corroded. You can transfer it to the indoor unit away from the elements in some configurations to keep the filter drier from rusting. This choice will start caring for the repair before incurring further costs and experiencing a breakdown.
HVAC Shop Auto AC Tools: Auto AC Filter Driers
Now that you understand how an AC filter drier works, you can get one from HVAC Shop and keep your air conditioner running properly. Check out other auto AC tools available in our shop to properly maintain you and your client's unit!