Imperial Tube Bender For Stainless 664FH

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The Imperial Tube Bender’s new design for accurate and tight bends up to 180˚ in stainless steel and other tough metals. Patented, quick action trigger release re-positions two-stage handle midway through a bend when both handles begin to meet.


  • New design for accurate and tight bends up to 180˚ in stainless steel and other tough metals.
  • Patented, quick action trigger release repositions two-stage handle midway through a bend when both handles begin to meet. This feature allows easy fabrication of optimized bends up to 180˚ with reduced effort, better control and no crossing of handles!
  • Rollers in bending handle reduce friction and bending effort; eliminate scoring of tubing.
  • Patented ergonomic grips.
  • Durable nickel finish.
  • Vice lug for mounting in a vice.
  • Clamshell packaging available for 1/4” and 3/8” O.D. models.


Part No

Tube O.D



(To Center of the tube)



IMP-664FH6MM 6 15 1.2
IMP-664FH8MM 8 24 3.7
IMP-664FH10MM 10 24 3.7
IMP-664FH12MM 12 28 7.6
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